If you are selling a home that was built before 1978, the law requires that you notify the buyer of the possible risk of lead paint.

Lead poisoning has been linked to hyper activity in children as well as kidney and liver failure. Lead paint tastes sweet.
Click here to view or download a copy of the Lead Paint Disclosure form.
Decades ago, it was not uncommon for paint manufacturers to use lead in paint.
White lead, when added to paint, decreased drying time and increased the durability of the paint and even enhanced certain colors.
Both adults children could be exposed to lead in the form of flaking paint chips and or paint dust falling from walls and ceilings.
People who inhaled the dust or children who ate the sweet-tasting lead paint chips frequently developed neurological problems, sustained organ damage including kidney failure or even died due to the effects of lead poisoning.
Which is why, in 1978 the federal government acted to ban the use of lead based paints in home and on toys.
Some states still allow lead based paints to be used to paint lines on roads, but more and more states are opting for less toxic paints.
Click here for more information on the forms that must be completed during a real estate transaction in Texas.
More information on the Lead Paint Disclosure form.