Don’t throw away your money when selling your home. So often sellers undertake pointless remodels that offer little to no return. When marketing your home, make small strategic changes to impact how buyers view your property without breaking the bank. Enhance your properties value with these six inexpensive updates below.
Add Some Curb Appeal
The curb appeal of your home speaks volumes to potential buyers. Chipped paint, dirty cracked driveways, bare garden beds, overgrown lawns, and dusty porches only encourage buyers to keep scrolling. First impressions are important whether they are made online or in person. Take pictures of your home’s exterior and analyze it as if you were a buyer.
Mow that lawn, trim those bushes, and add some color by adding bright potted plants. A cheery new welcome mat will give potential buyers a fresh introduction to your home. You can also paint the front door and trim.
Add a Fresh Coat of Paint
Paint is one of the cheapest changes that can make a significant difference in your home. If your budget is looking tight, do it yourself and only do the front of the house, entrance way, living room, bathrooms, and kitchen. Warm browns, light blues, light grays, and taupes give buyers a warm welcoming impression.
Make Minor Repairs
Slight flaws in your home can easily distract buyers from your property’s value. Dripping faucets, warped cabinet drawers, loose knobs, or sticking doors can be a simple fix. DO NOT go knocking down walls and ripping out cabinets left and right. Simply find imperfections that a quick trip to Home Depot or Lowe’s can correct.
Deep Clean the Floors
Don’t underestimate the power of professionally cleaned carpet. An old dirty carpet is a huge turn off for buyers. Have your carpet professionally cleaned and polish or wax your vinyl floors. Hardwood floors should be reconditioned if they need it. If you can get away with not replacing your floors, make this slight but significant update.
Add Bathroom Touch Ups
Adding new towels and shower curtains to the bathrooms can make a significant difference when selling your home. It will make your home look newer and less lived in. Having matching sets will please buyers and will add an extra touch to make your home look that much more put together.
Remove Unnecessary Furniture
Sell or store your extra furniture. This will be one change that can make you some cash! Buyers should not be walking into a home that is overcrowded with furniture. Buy taking away a few dressers or chairs, you will make your home look more open and spacious. Your buyers will be impressed and welcomed with an open clean space.