General Advice

What Buyers Should Know about Home Inspections

By |2019-02-11T16:49:59-06:00February 11th, 2019|Buyer Questions, General Advice, General Questions, Inspection Questions|

You don't want to be surprised after closing on a home. As a buyer, you want to be assured that you know what you're investing in. With a licensed home inspector, you have the ability to have a detailed examination of your potential home. Although sellers are obligated to disclose problems they are aware of, a

What Buyers and Sellers Need to Know about the Final Walk-Through

By |2019-02-07T15:49:28-06:00February 7th, 2019|Buyer Questions, General Advice, General Questions, Selling House|

What is a Final Walk-Through? A final walk-through is one of the last steps taken in a real estate transaction. Shortly before closing, the buyers will want to see their future home before signing everything. Typically, the sellers have finished the repairs on the property to the buyer’s standards by this time. A final walk-through

6 Signs it Might be Time to Move

By |2019-02-06T14:57:15-06:00February 4th, 2019|Buyer Questions, General Advice|

You may be wondering if it’s time to become a homeowner for the first time or if it's time to sell your home for something that better suits your lifestyle. Everyone decides to make the move for different reasons. If you're contemplating moving as a possibility, check out 6 signs it might be time to

Home Buyers are Getting Thousands Back to Furnish their New Home

By |2019-01-10T16:52:18-06:00January 10th, 2019|Buyer Questions, Contract Questions, General Advice|

Unfortunately, several home buyers miss out on significant savings every year. This is because a majority of home buyers in Texas are convinced they need a traditional buyer’s agent in order to purchase a home. Once a home is sold, 3% of the commission usually goes to the listing agent, while the other 3% would

10 Apps to Help You Save this Year

By |2019-01-02T14:23:45-06:00January 2nd, 2019|Finance, General Advice|

Is your new year's resolution to save? Maybe you are saving for a new car or a wedding. Or maybe you are saving to buy a home! We all have our spending and splurging tendencies, but fear not. Check out ten apps below that are awesome money savers. These apps can help keep you financially on track

How to Pick the Right Lender

By |2018-12-05T19:44:42-06:00December 5th, 2018|Finance, General Advice, General Questions|

Finding the right lender for your mortgage can be daunting. Particularly if this is your first time buying a home. Don’t be in the dark when making this important decision. Read through some of the helpful tips below so you know what expect and how to pick the best possible plans, rates, and company for
