2% Rebates on New Build Homes

All the major home builders have a policy of factoring a 3% real estate commission into the price of every new home. Builders will not give any concession, rebate, or allowance of any portion of that 3% to a buyer without an agent.

The result is the buyer ends up paying exactly the same for the home whether he has an agent or not, and the salespeople get the same commission, whether or not you have a real estate agent. So, it makes no difference to them.

If you buy a new home, you might as well have us as your agent and let us give you 2% of our 3% commission as a rebate!

When you arrive at a new home community, all you have to do is let the salesperson know that John Prell of Creekview Realty is your Realtor®If you bring the following information with you, it will make it easier:

John Prell, License #0493630
Creekview Realty
4017 Preston Road, Suite 520
Plano, TX 75093



Provide the applicable phone number:
DFW: 214-OWN-HOME (696-4663)
Austin: 512-444-8778
Houston: 281-444-7071
San Antonio: 210-444-1233
All other areas: 800-219-9444
Fax: 866-219-7535

Call us any time if you have any questions.

Builders to Avoid

We’ve had negative reports and experiences about various builders, and have left them off the lists below. We will list specific reports here on our website if the “victim” is willing to email us an account of their experience and allow us to mention their name.

Bowen Family Homes – incident October 2007
“A crack in our hallway ceiling led me to contact my home warranty company. Absolutely no help from Bonded Builders Warranty, who mentioned the house would have to be close to falling down before they would assist in reimbursement for repairs. I contacted Bowen Family Homes, the builders of my 4 year old home. I contacted their Dallas number, which after my fourth attempt put me in contact with a Mr. Meseberg (214) 354-9108. Mr. Meseberg, supposedly is in charge of all construction projects in the Dallas area. This gentleman found it too inconvenient to answer any of my phone calls including several voice mails. I will never again purchase a home from Bowen.”
Jeff Stewart, 3528 Mustang Drive, Denton, TX 76210

We followed up with the DFW head of Bowen to see if they would help Mr. Stewart. The bottom line is that the buck got passed back to Mr. Meseberg and nothing was ever resolved. We have had other negative experiences with Bowen Family Homes, and have found them to be dishonest in their dealings. We highly recommend avoiding this builder.

New Home Builders

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