Of course you can print, sign, scan, and email the completed documents to us if you wish. It’s actually easier to use the digital signature:
- At the bottom of the last page of the form, click in the space to the right of the red arrow, and a window will open. (If you don’t see a red arrow at the signature line, click “Save for Later”, and then reopen the document. The red arrow will be there.)
- If you have ever set up a digital signature on our website before, all you need to do is select “Sign As”, enter a password if prompted, and click “Sign”, and you’re done.
- If it’s your first time, select the bottom option, “A new digital ID I want to create now” (Older versions of Acrobat will give the option: “Create a self-signed digital ID for use with Acrobat”)
- Click “Next >”
- Select “Windows Certificate Store”
- Click “Next >”
- Fill-in your name & email address
- Click “Finish”
- Click “Sign” and you’re done!
- Save the form and email it to us.